Friday, October 7, 2016


We got an early start and were in the park by 7:30. The sun was just coming up over the mesa and it promised to be a wonderful day.  There are over 2000 arches in the park. We saw maybe 10 over our two day visit. The ones that required an overnight backpacking permit were not on our list.

Turret Arch.

The Windows.

 The South Window/

The South Window from the other side. After a long hike.

The North Window.

 The Double Arch.

Delicate Arch.

The wall in the background doesn't have a name because it isn't an arch. Yet. But it's going to be one in a few hundred thousand years.
After hiking and taking these pictures in the early morning sun we went back to the Airstream before noon. When we went in at 7:40 there was no line at the entrance. When we left at 11:30 there were over 40 cars in line.

A relaxing lunch and a nap for me. Then back into the park around 6pm for the sunset.   Again, as we went into the park we had no line. But dozens of cars were leaving. As long as the general mentality is, "Get up late. Get to Park mid-day. Stay through the heat of the day when the sun is overhead and washes out all the color. Go home at 5 or 6." Our system will work beautifully.  What the heck? It always worked at Disney World.

Everybody we ask told us that "The Fiery Furnace" was the best sunset spot.

They were right. Here are three pictures of one section, taken less 10 minutes apart.

Here are two of another view. Again, taken less than 10 minutes apart.

Then we had a long period of sunset and twilight.

We stopped at another location on the way out of the park to view the sky like no one back East has ever seen. Sorry, not a good enough camera to take a picture.

Up early tomorrow for another short day. We'll enjoy the empty spaces and early light and leave before the crowds get in.

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