I arrived at State College Airport at 10:00PM Tuesday after a cramped oversold flight from New Orleans to Philly. But the PropJet flight from Philly to State College was absolutely beautiful. Not a cloud in the sky, bright lights on the ground and I don't think we got over 8000 ft during the one hour flight.
The kids were asleep and pretty soon I was, too. Wednesday I went to Corl Street School for lunch with Sarah. I stayed during "free time" and had a ball.
Thursday we went to a musical program put on by the third and fourth graders. It was the finale of their semester long study of Japan. Really cute. Then I went back and had lunch with Casey and her friends.
Saturday night Ann's mother, Carol and step-father, Bob had us all over for an Old Fashioned Christmas Dinner.
The ladies all dressed in antique clothing that Carol had found and altered to fit the girls. We talked about how things were "in the old days" - including our memories. Which to the kids really did qualify as the "OLD" days. Although they seem like yesterday to us.
Carol cooked a meal of pork roast, roasted medley of "roots" - sweet potatoes, white potatoes, beets and turnips, and beans. It was a wonderful family meal.
Bob and Carol were leaving for Myrtle Beach on Sunday afternoon, so after dinner the kids opened their presents. Both the girls got American Girl dolls and Ben got a big car track thingy that we all played with.
We left full to overflowing and I was ready to go to bed. But Tom and Ann are still young, so we took a 40 minute ride out into the country for a Winter Solstice Party at the cabin home of friends. I guess I haven't become a COMPLETE Southerner because I really did enjoy sitting around a campfire in the snowy night all bundled up, drinking beer, talking and watching the kids sleigh ride.
Church Sunday morning featured the Nativity Story presented by the kids. It was so beautiful - and different. I've been to many children's programs. This was the first one that included rapping teen "angels in training", dressed in jeans and teeshirts, who arrived on little bitty tricycles and a unicycle. The singing was great, the story was timeless and we laughed and cried and came away full of Christmas Spirit.
Sarah was a Townsperson, Casey was the Innkeeper and both were in the chorus.
Did I already say that Tom and Ann are young? After the "cast party" we went home to get ready for - we didn't know how many - Christmas carolers. Ann came up with the idea that we go caroling around the neighborhood Sunday evening and then come back to the house for a party. She invited several couples, including some of Casey and Sarah's friends and their parents. Then she put a notice in the Church bulletin inviting anybody that wanted to join us. About 20 people, of which about half were kids and teens, walked the neighborhood singing at any house that appeared to have people at home. There were a few houses where we knew the people. But most were not people that anyone in our group knew. Everyone had so much fun that they've already made plans for next year.
Monday was a quiet day, with some last minute shopping. Everybody was happy to go to bed early to make sure Santa didn't skip us. After putting out cookies and milk for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph.
A Little store in the middle of nowhere...
9 years ago