Just a little inbetween, I had over heard a couple talking the day before on my way to the Mansion on O. They said that the Zoo entrance was almost exactly halfway between two Metro stops. BUT the stop listed as the one for the Zoo required a steep uphill walk. The one they were going to take - and the one I took was mostly level. And since the Zoo is VERY hilly, this was a good thing to do.
We played "cell phone tag" for awhile. Tom and family entered at the bottom, parking lot entrance. I entered from the top, street entrance.
"Do you see the Gorillas on the cables in the sky?"

"Yes, I'm right under them. Where are you?"
"No you're not. Because WE'RE right under them and you're not here."
After we determined that the cables were in several sections, we found each other and went to see the Gorillas "up close and personal".
Next stop was the Small Mammals House.

Our favorite, at least Casey's and mine were the Golden Lion Tamarins.
Things are kinda a blur after that. Otters, elephants, Giant Pandas, Rhinos, and a stop in the shade for a rest and some snacks. Then the family headed back down the hill and I caught the Metro back to my "home".
On Tuesday I had an uneventful but VERY beautiful drive to Seven Mountains Campground near Milroy, PA. I'll be driving down the mountain every day to spend time with my three PA grandkids.
Life is SO good !